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Angels Garden


May 21, 2020

In these times of great challenges for nursing staff, the Cité de la Santé Foundation and Lucion company are joining forces to mark National Nursing Week with the Jardin des Anges. This ephemeral journey of 5 giant luminous spheres, of 2,5 meters in diameter, offers a playful and poetic universe.

Installed at the employees’ entrance, on the grounds of the Cité-de-la-Santé Hospital in Laval, the spheres project images, colors and words of support and comfort to salute the essential and phenomenal work of these women and men, our guardian angels.

“We are pleased with this wonderful initiative which has been generously brought to us by the Lucion team. What a beautiful, gentle and magical way to show our gratitude and our solidarity on this day of May 12 dedicated to all nurses as part of National Nursing Week. In this particularly difficult context, we wholeheartedly support our health workers and thank them!”
– André Malacket, General Director of the Cité de la Santé Foundation.
“Taken with a burst of humanity in the midst of this tornado of uncertainty, the team wanted to offer this gesture of gratitude to the nursing staff as a form of solidarity; a luminous balm on their daily struggle. Thank you to Cirque Éloize for helping us make this gesture.”
– Bernard Duguay, president and founder of Lucion.
“This installation sends us beautiful messages of solidarity and encouragement. Thank you for this magic in the middle of the night. Thank you to all the nursing staff, thank you for each gesture that makes the difference every day!”
– Julie Rodrigue, nurse and chair of the Executive Committee of the Nurses Council.

In addition to being beautiful and fun, this installation allows the transmission of hundreds of messages of thanks and support to the nursing staff received from Foundation donors since the start of the pandemic.