October 20, 2021

The family of the late Dr Rizkallah Rizkallah wishes to mark the first anniversary of his death by creating a dedicated fund, in his honor, for the benefit of the neurology department of the Cité-de-la-Santé Hospital where he was so well treated at the end of his life.
Who is Dr. Rizkallah ?
Rizkallah was born on April 4, 1944 in Damour, Lebanon. He arrived in Montreal in July 1970 to specialize as an orthopedic surgeon. It was here that he met his wife, Janet, with whom he married in 1981. From their marriage were born 3 children (Georges, Jean and Nadia) and 6 grandchildren: Serena, Victoria, Anthony, Christian, Gabriel and Elizabeth.
“Rizkallah was a kind, gentle, and compassionate man. He was a straightforward, helpful, honest human being who enjoyed great food and travel “- Janet.
At the Cité-de-la-Santé Hospital, his presence was remarkable. One of the pioneers of the orthopedic department in the 1980s, he greatly contributes to the development of practices. He is appreciated by his patients, his fellow doctors and all his colleagues. Dr Réal Lemieux writes to us moreover “Dr Rizkallah was adored by the staff, he was smiling and calm, we underlined his explanations, his” good father “approach and above all, his competence”.
Dr Lemieux tells us a little anecdote, which illustrates well the personality of Dr Rizkallah:
To a nurse in the operating room who asks him if he knew, in Lebanon, that he had the same first and last name, Rizkallah answers with his small smile: “Rizkallah means Dieudonne or Gift of God. parents knew I would be a great Gift from God, they gave me duplicate names! “.
A great philantropist
During his lifetime, Dr Rizkallah made a significant contribution to the Cité de la Santé Foundation. It was therefore natural for his family to continue this commitment in his honor. The Rizkallah Fund, dedicated to the neurology department of the Cité-de-la-Santé Hospital, is a way to recognize and highlight the work of these men and women who save lives, every day, with kindness and professionalism.